10,000 BC [Telugu + Tamil + Hindi + Eng]


10,000 BC [Telugu + Tamil + Hindi + Eng]
 IMDB Rating:

5.1/10 from 126,925 votesIMDb



 Directed by:

Roland Emmerich




Dubbed Telugu

 Story Plot: Trained by his mentor, Tic’Tic, to hunt giant mammoths and to be fearless, the young hunter, D’Leh, embarks on a peril-laden journey through uncharted territory to secure the future of his tribe. When ferocious, horse-riding warlords raid the Yagahl camp and abduct the beautiful, blue-eyed girl, Evolet, D’Leh has no other choice but to lead a handful of brave young warriors into hostile regions, and pursue the invaders to the end of the world.
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