Bhimaa (Malayalam)


Bhimaa (Malayalam)
 IMDB Rating:

6.5/10 from 476 votesIMDb




Action Drama

 Directed by:






 Story Plot: Bhimaa revolves around the journey of an honest and sincere cop as he unravels the mysterious occurrences in the town of Mahendragiri and how he takes care of his adversaries protecting his near and dear ones. SI Bhimaa has a unique style of dealing with the ruffians and after he reaches Mahendragiri,he gives 15 days time for all the thugs to mend their ways before it is too late. In the meantime,he falls for a beautiful teacher Vidya. Even as their love story is about to reach the next level, his clash with Bhavani takes a new turn. Where this leads to and what is the connection to the closed temple in the place, how ayurverda doctor Ravindra Varma, Rama, Pari and others are related form the rest of the story.
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