Bramayugam (Malayalam)

Bramayugam (Malayalam)
 IMDB Rating:

8.4/10 from 3800 votesIMDb




Horror Thriller

 Directed by:

Rahul Sadasivan





 Story Plot: The movie is set in the 17th century, and the central character, a man who belongs to the Paanan caste, gets lost while escaping from a slave market. The man eventually reaches the deserted big house (mana) in the middle of the jungle. Realizing Paanan’s singing capability, the head of the deserted house, Kodumon Potti, decides to offer him a space to live in that house. With just Potti and his cook in that old house, the stay wasn’t that comfortable for the man, and what we see in the film is his efforts to escape from that place.
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