Hunter Killer [Telugu + Tamil + Hindi + Eng]


Hunter Killer [Telugu + Tamil + Hindi + Eng]
 IMDB Rating:

6.6/10 from 53,488 votesIMDb




Action Thriller

 Directed by:

Donovan Marsh

 Starring by:

Common Gary Oldman Gerard Butler




Dubbed Telugu

 Story Plot: A U.S. submarine, the USS Tampa Bay, vanishes while shadowing a Russian Akula-class submarine in the Arctic. Rear Admiral John Fisk sends a Virginia-class submarine, the USS Arkansas, under the command of newly-promoted and unorthodox Commander Joe Glass to investigate. At the same time, a Navy SEAL team under the command of Lieutenant Bill Beaman is sent in to discreetly observe a Russian naval base. When they arrive at the naval base, they witness defense minister Dmitri Durov conducting a coup d'etat and taking Russian President Zakarin prisoner, and swiftly realize that Durov intends to trigger a war..
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