Jailer (Malayalam)

Jailer (Malayalam)
 IMDB Rating:

7.5/10 from 15000 votesIMDb



 Directed by:

Nelson Dilipkumar





 Story Plot: Tiger Muthuvel Pandian, a retired jailer, is our title protagonist. He lives a calm and happy family life, and his son Arjun is an ACP. His days are mostly with his grandkid it is his sweet and comfortable place. That happy life gets disturbed when he realizes that his son has been murdered by a gang notorious for stealing God’s idols. When his wife accuses him of the reason for Arjun’s death, as she believes the righteousness Pandian instilled in Arjun led to his death, the Jailer in Pandian decides to seek revenge for the loss. What happens in that journey is what we witness in this Nelson Dilipkumar film.
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