Marauders [Telugu + Tamil + Hindi + Eng]


Marauders [Telugu + Tamil + Hindi + Eng]
 IMDB Rating:

5.5/10 from 19,694 votesIMDb




Action Crime Thriller

 Directed by:

Steven C. Miller

 Starring by:

Bruce Willis Christopher Meloni Dave Bautista




Dubbed Telugu

 Story Plot: As several branches of Cincinnati's Hubert National Bank are hit by a string of brutal and well-orchestrated bank robberies, FBI's special agent, Jonathan Montgomery, along with his partner, Stockwell, and the inexperienced operative, Wells, try to shed light on a seemingly straightforward case of armed robberies. However, little by little--as the sparse evidence point to the organisation's powerful CEO, Jeffrey Hubert--it becomes obvious that a mysterious and well-connected player will do anything in his power to keep his guilty secrets safe. Does the secretive banker know more than he is letting on?
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