Meg 2: The Trench (Telugu)

Meg 2: The Trench (Telugu)
 IMDB Rating:

5.6/10 from 4100 votesIMDb




Action Adventure Horror

 Directed by:

Ben Wheatley

 Starring by:

Cliff Curtis Jason Statham Shuya Sophia Cai




Dubbed Telugu

 Story Plot: Post the events in the first movie, Jonas Taylor is now working like, some sort of a journalist who is collecting proof against people who are contaminating the sea with radioactive waste. After that stint, he reunites with his old team at Mana One, who are conducting new experiments with the meg they have captured and developing new technologies for underwater expeditions. One such expedition resulted in a very catastrophic end when an explosion kind of broke the layer that kept the megs at those deeper points of the sea. We see how that affects the expedition team and catapults into something huge in Meg 2: The Trench.
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