The Rezort [Telugu + Tamil + Hindi + Eng]

Tel + Tam + Hin + Eng

The Rezort [Telugu + Tamil + Hindi + Eng]
 IMDB Rating:

5.3/10 from 9800 votesIMDb




Horror Sci-Fi Thriller

 Directed by:

Brian A. Miller

 Starring by:

Claire Goose De Gouw McCann




Dubbed Telugu

 Story Plot: Valerie Wilton is the new owner of a high-island resort where, for a large sum of money, thrill seekers can hunt zombies in the lap of luxury. Many guests arrive at the resort with the main couple, Lewis and Melanie. Melanie suffers many psychological problems following the war and is advised to go to the resort to face her fears. Being paired into a group, they go out into the wild where the zombies are detained for their hunting pleasure.
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